
What is it?

Column Visibility can show or hide columns within a worksheet in Excel. You can view which columns are visible or hidden based on a user defined row containing predefined column header names. You can also save and retrieve the defined visibility.

Utility Definitions:
List Window:
Double click on a row in the list window to change its visibility

Column Row:
The values from the row entered in the Column Row field will be displayed in the Column Name's column within the listing window

Selected Visible:
Changes the columns of the selected rows within the list window to Visible

Selected Hidden:
Changes the columns of the selected rows within the list window to Hidden

Selected Reverse:
Selecting Reverse reverses the visibility of the columns of the selected rows within the list window. If a column is hidden it becomes visible, if a column is visible it becomes hidden.

Saved Settings:
The saved settings field is used to save or retrieve visibility settings

Select Retrieve after selecting a previously saved setting from the Saved Settings field to retrieve a previously saved visibility setting

Select Save after entering a name in the Saved Settings field to save the visibility settings set in the current list window

Select Delete to delete the saved setting entered in the Saved Settings field

Select the button when you want to refresh the utility to the active worsheet's columns